April 27, 2010

Your disability doesn't make you less!


  1. I think the irony of the texts on the clothes is very interesting. If I was looking at a disabled person, and thinking or commenting about how sorry I felt for them, and then read one of these texts on their clothes I would feel shocked and guilty to have thought those things. It is really true that brains are not in legs, and you just can't judge someone's capability to do whatever they want just by their physical impairments.

  2. Indeed, Karina!!! Let's spread the word!

  3. That is so true, sometimes we don't realise how awful we are when we feel pity of disable people. Because yes, they are capable of great things and we just keep forgeting that.

  4. People with disabilities don't like that the majority of the people(without disabilities) watch them with other eyes. But they would like to be seen how people normal.Because our "pity" will not serve anything.They are already so!

  5. That's right!!! Let's see people beyond their physical features!

  6. The moment I started watching this video, Stephen Hawking came to my mind, one of the biggest genius of our days. There are others, Bethoven, John Nash.. All of these people had their impairments but still, they made a difference, not because of their disabilities but because of their braveness and their victories which should be an inspiration to everybody. After all, they were actually 'different' from everyone else!

  7. The moment I started watching this video, Stephen Hawking came to my mind, one of the biggest genius of our days. There are others, Bethoven, John Nash.. All of these people had their impairments but still, they made a difference, not because of their disabilities but because of their braveness and their victories which should be an inspiration to everybody. After all,they were actually 'different' from everyone else!

  8. We must see how much disable people can give us, they can do many useful tasks,like we do.
    I think sometimes we're more 'misarable (not that they are)' than them...because we don't have the difficulties that they have so we don't give as much imporatnce to things that they give because they already lost them! So we must respct and help them, not judge them!

  9. "Legs don't contain brains. Or do yours?"
    So NICE. Let us think about it.

  10. My legs don't contain indeed brain neither make us feel gorgeus.
    We tend to judge others on their looks and even more we all take down who has some kinf of disability by the simple act ofgrazing at them...

  11. I won't deny that when looking at people in wheelchairs and people with amputated limbs, I sometimes feel sorry for them, and stare. But disabled people are just like us, and most people don't feel comfortable whem they are being stared at, so why should disabled ones be any different?
