April 09, 2010

CRASH (trailer)


  1. I've seen this movie and it has a really really deep meaning. Enjoyed it a lot!

    "We're always behind this metal and glass. I think we miss that touch so much, that we crash into each other, just so we can feel something."

    I absolutely love this quote.

  2. Me too! One of my favourite (film and quote).

  3. I've never watched that movie.
    It has some great actors in.

  4. You'll have that opportunity very soon! ;D

  5. I've never watcheed that movie, but seems interesting :)

  6. Despite having an Interesting title,I am quite sure that butter wouldn´t melt,meaning that the trailer is not as appealing as it should be to me,anyway,I´m looking forward to watching it...
    I´m quite more into comedy when television is the theme in discussion.
    PS-Don´t blame me for telling my honest and humble opinion :)

  7. I meant films instead of television :)

  8. I already saw that film too.
    I enjoyed it a lot. In this movie we can see how people are so attached to stereotypes.
    I loved the end of the movie. :)

  9. It seems odd that those forms of discrimination still exists nowadays. We should have learned something by now.

  10. The movie actually opened my eyes about this subject. In a very wise way, the movie showed us that behind every city, every community many people are suffering 'together' due to several forms of discrimination.

  11. 'I'm angry all the time and I don't know why!' Sandra Bullock quote
    Good question...why are we so frustrated, and sad and...? :/

  12. We're trapped in our insatisfactions instead of moving on... We're stuck in our own thoughts instead of giving a step forward... instead of getting inspired by true beauty.
