April 06, 2010


Your religion, race, height, nationality, and even your gender are factors that most people make quick judgments about. Unfortunately, many of these judgments are based on biases and assumptions.

Some facts about discrimination:
* About 600 million people in the world experience disabilities of various types and degrees.
* African Americans are 79% more likely to live where industrial pollution causes numerous health hazards.
* Only 24 states and D.C. include sexual orientation in their hate crime legislation.
* Immigrants are an essential element in keeping the American economy strong.
* The large majority of racially motivated hate crimes are against African Americans.
* The overwhelming majority of religiously motivated hate crimes are directed against Jews.
* 1/3 of American women and 1/4 of women worldwide will experience domestic/dating violence in their lifetime.
* Two-thirds of the world’s children who receive less than four years of education are girls.

Find some more information about this topic here:


  1. That's indeed very sad to know.
    But many of those factors could be eliminated if people knew what human rights are.

    Nice post!

  2. "Make a change...kill yourself."

    Ok...I just think that human beings are sick and that our society does no longer works (if it ever did.)

  3. The problem is that human rights are not respected, so our moral values are corrupted, and our society is deteriorating.
    It's up to each one of us to do sth and make a change. But murder or suicide are not on my list :(
    I'm a believer.
    I have great expectations!

  4. I think that too.

    The problem of our society isn't that we, folks, don't respect human rights, but the politics, people with high-stat jobs that have the possibility to change our society. It should be especially those people that have to defend human rights, because, as our society is structured, they have our future in their hands.

  5. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ErUUynThycw

    Speak Trent, speak.
    "What if all the world you think you know is an elaborate dream?"

  6. I agree.
    As always, Paulino think in the easier way (or not) to solve things: killing yourself. xD
    But yes, I think that despite our society is in an advanced state of selfishness and misunderstanding for each other, there are still people who are making a big effort to try to change human minds. In vain or not, we must try.

    And think that society can't be respectful and become part of many people who need a brainwashing doesn't help at all.
