January 25, 2010


"Advertising may be described as the science of arresting the human intelligence long enough to get money from it."
Stephen Leacock
(a Canadian writer and economist)


  1. Very interesting.
    Even worse, is that it is true.

  2. There are various forms of advertising. One of them is outdoor advertising, which is virtually everywhere these days, from billboards, to buses and bus stopes to buildings and even airplanes. Then there is print advertising. Who has never been handed a flyer or maybe a calendar with the name of a certain product or restaurant or something like that? We also have speciality advertising that consists on offering useful everyday things to people, like pens, lighters or matchboxes with a logo of the brand someone is trying to advertise. Despite all the forms of advertising, I think the most influencial is electronic advertising. Just face it, when you watch television you are bombarded with ads being recommended by specialists or showing statistics that of course are in favor of the product. Some have recommendations by ordinary people, like the infamous "before and after" or there are testimonials saying how much happier they are after buying the product. And it's not only on t.v., it's on the radio and they can even call you (on your phone) to advertise something.
    The most influenced people by advertising are teens. Even though we don't want to admit it, deep down everyone, including ourselves know that. "Just imagine how cool I would be if I bought the new mp3 player I saw yesterday on t.v." is exactly what we think. This means that advertisers are doing their jobs right, they're getting into our brains and making us feel like we're never good enough. They persuade us into persuading our parents that we really need that new cool thing everyone has".
    What we don't know is that, those certain products, most of the time aren0t as good as they seem and don't make us that happy. I think nowadays they are blowing things out of proportion and are using technology too much to advertise things. I mean, everyone want the makeup that we see Angelina Jolie advertising on t.v. right? She's using and she looks pretty so it must be good. Guess what? It's not real.
    What about those annoying little jingles that play over and over in your head? Another strategy created by advertisers to make you have the product in your head all the time.
    To show us the real side of advertising, we have ad-busters. They take and advert and alter it a bit to show us the not so good side the company that is tyring to sell a product hasn't. We should really pay attention to them.
    To sum up, not everything adverts promise us is real, don't let them fool you. They use technology to get in your brains, so you use technology like the internet to discover who they really are. The beautiful people on ads aren't real and material things will not make you happy, so have fun with your friends and family and forget all the material stuff.

    Karina Sargo, 11º6

  3. Advertising nowadays plays a massive role in our lives, whether you like it or not. You may say you are not influenced by it, you may even think that, but there is no escaping it.
    Advertising has become a pervasive medium of influence and persuasion. Regardless of where you are, you will always find advertisements there. If you are walking down the street, there are advertisements on cars, buses, on buildings and even on walls. You get home, you turn on the television, and certainly there will be commercials in some channels. And if by any chance you happen to get tired of watching television and decide to read a book, even the bookmarker is advertising something.
    Some may consider advertising a contagious disease, since it spreads very quickly. But a disease by itself is not harmful, it needs people to infect. And unfortunately, our modern society is very vulnerable to this particular disease.
    It begins with children. They are very easily influenced at an early age, and they spend half their lives watching television, which is one of the most powerful sources of advertisements. But unfortunately, teenagers and adults are also affected, whether by the desire to look perfect, to have fun, or simply to make their lives easier, it does not matter. Everyone, and I mean everyone, is influenced by advertising.
    Like everything, advertising has some positive aspects. It is a great source of information, which allows us to find out about new products. But there is a line between providing information and brainwashing people.
    Advertising has reached a critical level; it is no longer intended to inform, but to influence people so badly it makes them think they absolutely need the product in order to live. This has to be stopped, advertising must be restrained somehow, or we will face the consequences.

    Carlos Fernandes, 11º 6
