June 01, 2010

Children's rights

Every child and young person has rights, no matter who they are or where they live. Nearly every government in the world has promised to protect, respect and fulfil these rights, yet they are still violated worldwide.


  1. Watching this video made me realize that I do take a lot of things for granted, like education, food, clean water and medical care. Other children in the world have dreams and needs too, some may dream to one day become a doctor or a lawyer, but that dream will probably never come true because they don't have the same things we do. In third world countries, kids are dying because they have no food and in developed countries people die because they eat too much. Every day I take a shower and drink a glass of water without ever realizing that many other children like me don't live like this, yet I take it for granted every single day. Everyone should be entitled to basic needs, despite where you live or your financial status. Very eye opening video.

  2. I feel that this video should be specially watched by politicians, as it focus critical points in the society, concerning children.

  3. God, teacher!
    Here, there are many great works!
    Congratulations and I hope that i can be a good worker for this project! ;)
    Kiss *

  4. é verdade todas as crianças têm o direito de serem felizes independentemente da raça ou da cor!!!! bom video!! ;D

  5. It is true all children have the right to education, health (...) It is a pity that in many countries they have no right to it but to a very poor life, hard, with many needs.
    Good video.
