June 01, 2010

Age Discrimination


  1. Nobady deserves or should be descriminated.
    Everyone deserves respect.
    Nice video :)

  2. No matter how old or young a person is, they are still human and deserve to be treated with respect. Everywhere in the world we see older people abandoned in retirement homes, because their family think that they are too old and no longer anthing but a burden to society. And not only the elderly are discriminated because of their age, younger people are too. In fact, just like the video said, their is no respect for any age group any more! Seriously, what's wrong with the world and where is the love?

  3. very interesting. Let's fight against discrimination! :)

  4. Great video! :D
    Unfortunately, age discrimination is also severy felt.
    Did you know that the producer of the film 007 - Quantum of Solace did not asked same actor as the previous times to take part in the film because of his age?

  5. é um video muito realista!!! por muitas vezes a velhice nao é muito aceite.
