March 09, 2010

The girl who silenced the world for 5 minutes

Severn Cullis-Suzuki (born 30 November 1979, in Vancouver, Canada) is an environmental activist, speaker, television host and author.
In 1992, at the age of 12, Cullis-Suzuki raised money with members of ECO, to attend the Earth Summit in Rio de Janeiro. Along with group members Michelle Quigg, Vanessa Suttie, and Morgan Geisler, Cullis-Suzuki presented environmental issues from a youth perspective at the summit, where she was applauded for a speech to the delegates. The video has since become a viral hit, popularly known as "The Girl Who Silenced the World for 5 Minutes".
"Make your acts reflect your words!"


  1. Holy ****. That was impressive.

  2. Oh my God! What a girl...! With that tone of voice and those words, made us feel really small (like teacher use to say) :O

  3. This video is really impressive ... The teacher has done a great job with the blog ...:)

  4. What she said made people feel bad. But 18 years later things have changed... For worse !

  5. Deep, though a highly predictable reaction. We are going nowhere if we keep relying on green paper like we do, and we'll always do. It's a shame that presidents won't agree to open their eyes, I think there's too much to loose? Probably they think money is worth a lot more than their own and all people's lives. THEY SHOULD CRASH AND BURN for all of our sake's.

  6. That girl has a great talent! All that she said is true, we all say that we care about the future and the environment, but the truth is that many of us don’t do anything about it! She thrilled the audience with her words, but she could not change people's habits because past so many years everything stills the same, or worse ... We must change quickly before it's too late!
