October 15, 2009

Being a teenager

Teenage years, as you all already know by experience, are probably the most complicated and confusing years of your life.I am writing to you as one of you, a teenager, a friend, who knows how it is like.

These are the years when you start making your own choices and define your personality. The person you become might well be the person you will be for the rest of your life.

At school, you can feel the pressure, that’s for sure. Besides having your peers trying to force you to do something, you also have to concentrate on school itself. Because if you are planning to be a doctor, an engineer, a lawyer, all those professions require a high average, so you know that slipping even once can make your life harder. When you’re finally home, and you think you will get some rest, your mother comes home screaming at you because you didn’t answer the phone, or you let the fridge door opened. And you don’t really care; you just want some peace and quiet. And the reason may be different for everyone: you received a bad grade on a test, the person you have a crush on didn’t look at you during the entire day, or you’re simply tired. It doesn’t really matter, the bottom line is, everyone gets tired of their parents once in a while.

You may start wondering who you are, and what you are doing in this world. But that’s only temporary, and you will realise that your life isn’t that bad. Everyone has their ups and downs.

Don’t give in to peer pressure, be that person in the group that can proudly say that stands up for what they believe in. Stay focused during class, and then afterwards you can have fun with your friends. Nobody’s asking you to be a “nerd”, just to be responsible.

Last but not least, give your parents a break; they only want what’s best for you. And you can also speak to them if something is bothering you. After all, they will love you unconditionally. I hope that when you’re feeling down, and it seems like the entire world is against you, you will find strength in my words to carry on.

By Carlos Fernandes (2008/2009)

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