November 21, 2010

Why choose English as a foreign language?

Almost everybody have this question on their minds. There are a few that are interested in the answer but the other ones just don't care about it. It's true that learning a nonnative language is essential but there are so many and we can be uncertain when to choose. Let's see how English is the certain choice.

English is a Lingua Franca and also the most widely spread language in the world, then many countries that we may visit communicate in this language. Furthermore, the language of science, international organizations, tourism, technology, government, diplomacy, entertainment, sports, news, international trades (...) is, of course, English. Besides this, with this language, you can know new people, new places, new cultures, new experiences; briefly, a new world.

This language (spoken or written) is really important in our lives, don't be ignorant about this. English is the world!

1 comment:

  1. Learning English as a second language is extremely important in almost every aspect of your life. For example, you can go anywhere in the world if you know how to speak and understand English. Knowing English can open countless doors in the professional world, if you want to succeed as a doctor, for instant, you will have to eventually give speeches around the world. Imagine if you have to give a speech to a group of asians, american, french and german people. It would be impossible to give the speach in four different languages, but if you know English, you can give the speech in this language because it's considered a globl language. In my opinion it is extremely important to learn English.
